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I admit I am shallow

The Five Fish: I admit I am shallow

Monday, February 08, 2010

I admit I am shallow

I feel I have failed to be honest on my blog. After a very strong discussion with The Chad I had the ultimate slap. I put on a happy face for the blog because in the event I post that my life is not all roses and rainbows....well let's face would rather watch the damn news than read about some woman on the internet.

Truly my blog and persona are me, but to some degree they are lacking luster, a true persona that screams I am coming back for more on this blog. While I am not one to sensationalize by any means in the manner of feeding off of others pain or disadvantages for the fact to make me feel better I do feel like to be completely blunt.

Maybe my fear of rejection is what is holding me back in really laying everything out to tell you that I make fun of myself by calling myself little Miss Perfect. While I do TRY to do everything perfect....I am the most damaged human being I have had the pleasure to meet every single day. I fear being rejected because I am not perfect, because I really like to use the F word as a noun, adjective, conjunction, pronoun, and verb to name a few. I used to smoke. I like to drink when I am in a mood....which is actually rare but at least once a year I like to get a good buzz on that the next day I look around like....Um...who was that broad?

I also would like to get to know you. All 721 of you. Yes...even if that takes me years I would like to do it. A guest post from you at least once a week. You may think...has she completely lost it? But I haven't. I know so little about you as readers that I want to hear about insight into your psyche, who you are, what makes you tick, unique, if you enter a helluva lot of giveaways or you are a fellow blogger or hey you like to just read blogs period I want to know.

So no more Little Miss Perfect from me...though she is my alter prepared for a whole new year of posts. Oh and yes I will still have some KICKIN' giveaways and what have you....but I want you to come here and read about some jaw dropping truths that say "sweet...I am so not alone!"

Please fill out my form for the guest posts....otherwise I will hunt your ass down and email it to you...and hound you weekly if not daily until you return it and I can feature you on my blog. Because that's how I roll. Registered & Protected

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