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Wordful/Wordless Wednesday

The Five Fish: Wordful/Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wordful/Wordless Wednesday


Now I do have to share a very large secret about this monstrosity of refrigerated bliss.
You see, the fridge is actually a fridge AND a freezer.
Yes. Each are stand alone. Not a built in....but I built my kitchen and designed the ENTIRE kitchen around my "faux" built-in, but ever so freaking awesome fridge and freezer.

That is them....wide open.
Now here is each open alone so you can see how they work.

The freezer, chock full of my goodies, at the bottom is my free range chicken, the DiGiorno for the nights that I don't cook and we refuse to order take out along with the Bertoli pasta The Chad can cook when again....I am burned out on cooking or I happen to take a night off. The freezer is the size of a FULL SIZE top and bottom fridge & freezer. So now, her cool sister...the fridge.

Isn't she PURTY!?
Look at all those leftovers crammed into that shelf, below the cow that I should buy. Can you see all that milk? Yeah, that is gone in A DAY!! A DAY!! Easily 2 1/2+ gallons of milk a day. I need a freaking cow.
The fridge, stand alone. Also the size of a full size top and bottom fridge and freezer.

All in fridge and freezer yield me roughly 36 cu. feet of storage!
More so than I would have gotten out of a french door fridge AND I saved myself at least $1000 by doing this combo a few years ago. I have to say that I LOVE my Whirlpool fridge and freezer! I have yet to have a problem with them EVER and I have my very first Whirlpool french door fridge in my garage as a beverage and "storage" fridge/freezer. That old girl is going on 11 years old and still works like a freaking charm!

So now you know what kind of food we TRULY eat in our home and you get to see how stinking cool
THE FRIDGE really is!

 For more Wordful Wednesday fun, head on over to the circus that Angie runs
and for all your Wordless Wednesday wonder visit these folks:

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