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Wordful and Wordless Wednesday

The Five Fish: Wordful and Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wordful and Wordless Wednesday

I figured I needed to expand my horizons on my Wednesday,
I am an equal opportunity kind of gal you know?!
So I am doing two....again equal...story of my life!

My Wordful Wednesday is the following picture:

This picture was recently taken of the TWIN baby clothes that I need to dispose of somehow. I mean I need to find a mom who is having twins (boy/girl), just recently had twins, or just found she is pregnant with twins! The pile is of clothes from newborn to 9 months, I have a WHOLE other box of twin clothes 12 months and up (matching boy/girl if you didn't guess) that I need to photograph and post somewhere too. So I figured why not here? Why not if someone wants these matching twin boy girl clothes, email me at the linky at the top and I would be more than happy to LIST everything that is in the pile. If you can help me clean out my garage and buy these clothes off me (for a severe discount) I would be eternally grateful. Who would have thunk that two little people could generate so much stuff!!??? And that does not include all the gear!! I have 2 swings, 2 bouncers, 2 exer-saucers, 2 of EVERYTHING that I really don't need anymore. I mean I am SOOO done having babies. Email me if you want more details!

Now for my Wordless Wednesday Version

My Wordless Wednesday is the following picture:

(Handsome isn't he? That man is the reason why I have a fantastic life and beautiful babies!)

Be sure you go check out Angie @ her circus for Wordful
5 minutes for Mom for Wordless

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